Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 10, 2011

Top 5 worst games of this generation (that are successful)

In gaming, there will always be a best and a worst. This rant is not for the kind of bad game that gets insanely low reviews and sells 100 copies total. You all know not to buy those games. This list is for bad games that have suceeded in both the review and sales area as well as the respect of most gamers. This list will be controversial and many will argue with it, but ultimately its the truth so lets just pull the band aid off and get to it.

5. Duke Nukem Forever.

What more can you say about a game that has been hyped for 14 years? Fans hoped that this would be a winner and thier nostalgic dreams of the 90s would be reborn once again, but the completely unorganized development of this game ensured that it would be terrible from the start. Even with the obvious signs that this game would bomb, the old school gamers still defend this game despite the archiac controls, out dated graphics, and long load times that plague it. Duke Nukem is a painful reminder that nostalgia is only good if it stays in the past because if it is remade for your more complex adult brain, you will realize that the only reason you liked it in the first place was because you were just easier to impress when you were 12.

4.Metroid Other M.

This is not a game I would ever expect to be on a list like this. The Metroid Prime series was pretty much the best 3D transition Nintendo ever made with their series. Metroid Other M promised to mix the 2D and 3D elements we have come to love and for the most part they did that right. What they got wrong was the recharacterization of Samus. Samus has changed from a fearless bounty hunter who takes orders from no one to a submissive weakling. Samus now cowers in fear over enemies she has killed multiple times and takes orders from some dude who has no authority over her. This is the equivalent of making Rambo wear a tutu. Its embarassing to watch and soils the good name of the first real video game heroine. As good as the gameplay may be, the presentation is a deal breaker.


If you are looking for a game to prove to your parents that video games can be a mature and classy medium of entertainment, you are about as cold as the south pole. Bayonetta is the quintessential example of using sex to sell a game. You play as a woman with extremely long legs who constantly walks with a model pose and strips off her hair clothing when she fights while the camera zooms in to get the best angles of this. Did I mention this game is japanese? There is no coherent story or innovative gameplay here. This is all a visual spectactle for the gamers who are lonely enough to use this game as...aid. There is no class, no shame, and no subtley to Bayonetta at all. Bayonetta has only served to push the argument that games are just violent, sex crazed, and misogynistic when we were finally starting to shake off that image. Now that image will be stuck with us for many years to come.

2.Saints Row.
There have been GTA clones before it, but none of them are as shameless in thier cloning as Saints Row is. Saints Row is Grand Theft Auto in almost every way. Whatever its done, GTA has done before and better. The graphics are bland, the story is immature and nonsensical, and the gameplay is buggy to the point of nearly being unplayable. Saints Row is the original game for being unoriginal and has set a new low in the gaming industry for just how much you can steal from a sucessful game and get away with it. The industry has become full of uninnovative clones and Saints Row made it all completely acceptable with its success.

1.Wii Fit.
Here is a game I can barely even call a game. Wii Fit is more like what you would get out of a bad infomercial. You stand on a board and do some aerobics and this is supposed to make you fit? Not by a long shot. Nintendo Execs have even flat out said that the game is not supposed to make you fit at all. So what is the point of this game? To exploit the insecurities of our more rounded gamers? I thought games were supposed to help you escape the realities of everyday life, but this game takes life, throws it in your face, and calls you fat while doing it. Its like buying Portal 2...without the portals...just glados calling you fatty the whole time...and we pay for this.

Honorable mention: Beatles Rock Band.
The Beatles were the greatest band to grace modern music, but thier low tempo music does not make for a fun rhythm game at all. All the songs make you hit a button about once every 5 seconds (and this is on expert) guaranteeing fast boredom for even the most unskilled player. If you really want to rock out, GH Metallica is the way to go.

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